Problem identified – problem solved!
Jessica Schilling started baking cupcakes in 2013. She soon got bored with "normal" cupcakes and started filling them. Since constantly hollowing out and throwing away leftover dough was tedious, she looked for a more practical solution. This is how the CuCap* baking cup was born - a small, blue cylinder made of medical plastic that is pressed into the middle of the dough during baking. After baking, the cup is removed, creating an opening for filling.
Jessica came up with the idea when she spent a lot of time at home due to illness. Inspired by her love of Black Forest gateau, she converted the recipe into cupcakes that she hollowed out. Annoyed by the leftover dough and the effort involved, she invented the cupcake baking case. She had the first prototypes made in her father's turning shop.
Initially, there was little interest, but her boyfriend motivated her to apply for a patent for the mold. In spring 2019, Jessica applied for a patent and utility model for the CuCap baking mold. She chose silicone as the material because it is good for baking and no dough residue sticks to it.
After many months of tinkering and optimizing, including through 3D printing, Jessica decided on the final model: a berry-colored silicone plug with a wide rim. At first she produced her own test molds at home, but then found a manufacturer that met her requirements.
The CuCap baking cups have been on the market since August 1, 2020 and are very popular. "I'm always happy to see the pictures of the finished cupcakes and the great feedback from customers, which always confirms to me that I've taken the right path."
*CuCap baking cups
Etymology: Cu p Ca ke P lug formerly cupcake plug
Pronunciation: Q Cap
The creation process
Zu Gast im TV
Die Höhle der Löwen
Wenn ich bedenke, dass das kleine Förmchen anfangs in meinem Freundes- und Familienkreis als recht uninteressant eingestuft wurde, bin ich immer noch erstaunt darüber, welchen Lauf die Dinge genommen haben.
Dass ich CuCap sogar eines Tages den Löwen präsentiere, hätte ich allerdings nie gedacht. Und doch stand ich plötzlich da – ein tolles Gefühl! Richtig aufregend wurde es, als sich der Deal mit Ralf Dümmel anbahnte. Denke ich an diesen Tag zurück, war es wohl einer der wichtigsten Meilensteine in der CuCap Chronik. Mit Ralf an meiner Seite stehen sicher noch weitere große Momente bevor. Ich kann’s kaum erwarten!
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